Big Books

Published on 11 May 2021 at 19:46

DON'T BE Afraid- it's just a book!!
I don't know if I'm speculating but I do think people are sometimes put off by big weighty books with thousands of pages.

If that's you then I'm here to remind you:

1. Reading is for your enjoyment- you can re-read sentences you don't understand and look up words you've never heard of! - it's just you and the book, you won't be judged! 
2. Time - whether it takes you a month or 3 days to finish, you should never feel pressured to rush a book or feel stupid for taking longer to read it - good books deserve our time 

3. You're allowed to dislike books that are well-loved or 'classics'- there is always a book that will suit you 

Mary Norton's book 'The Borrowers' was the fattest book I remember reading by myself as a child.
It might be diffcult for some to believe, considering what I study (Literature!!) but I had quite slow reading development as a child. At school my reading attainment became a cause for concern, at least for my teachers (HA). However, I was fortunate to be surrounded by books and reading at home so I was never put off trying and persevered.
It must have taken me an absolute age to finish this, but I loved the story and was so determined that I did eventually finish it! 
Anyway it's a kids book but the story, and even the weight of the book itself, left an impression on me when I was 7.
The lesson today, if we're doing that, is don't be afraid of big books they're the loveliest and most rewarding. 

And with perseverance you may one day read one of the heaviest books I own: Leo Tolstoy's 'War and Peace'!! (Which is coincidentally taking me an age to read!) 

The bigger the book, the bigger ...

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