I probably don't need to tell most of you about how great a book Jane Eyre is.
This particular copy I have is very special to me as it was given to me by my Granny, who I lost three years ago today. Her name was Greta.
The book use to sit next to her chair in the lounge in a bowl with other random things, amongst them a bottle of perfume which had spilt! Anyway I love that the pages of the book still smell like it to this day!
She was a big reader and I've happily inherited piles of books with her name written in the cover (many from when she was a child).
She was everything to me. Losing her in the middle of my final year of university was devastatingly difficult, and it was only after all the work was done, I was able to mourn properly. I spoke at her funeral, sharing wonderful memories I had of her and my grandpa. When I am struggling with something I remind myself that nothing whatsoever will be as hard as speaking at her funeral.
I miss her dearly, everyday but I like to think with my reading, baking and my sense of humour I'm a lot like her.
Background is her coat, which is also mine now too! A rather special one woven in Scotland!
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